Friday, June 13, 2008

Tips to Cure Insomnia

We desire to offer you some tips to cure insomnia, since sleeping troubles can have a multitude of troubling effects on your existence. It is a problem that has to be resolved, if you have the desire to feel better and make your life better.

*Clear your mind
-Don't watch any TV, or read a book or go check your email right before going to bed

*Breathing technique
-Lay down on your back and breathe in a slow manner, but deeply.


-Shut your eyes, and picture yourself in the most beautiful place you know. This will assist you as you try to relax

*Sleep at normal hours
-Get up early in the morning, and go to bed at a decent hour

*Put on some music that relaxes you
-Self hypnosis or subliminal courses can also help

For a complete list of tips to cure insomnia, download the ebook Stop Insomnia here